
The Role of our Three Brains and the use of EMDR Therapy in Trauma Situations


Our human brain consists of three different parts: the primal reptilian brain, the amygdala (or emotional brain) and our prefrontal cortex (logical, rational and decision making) part of the brain   Our three brains work together and separately, consciously and unconsciously to keep us alive, help us make decisions, feel emotions and communicate with others. The part of this triune brain that keeps us alive is the Reptilian brain.  The Reptilian brain prompts fight, flight or freeze when faced with a life-threatening or harmful event and operates primarily on an unconscious level....

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How does EMDR work?


In an important sense, EMDR is a three-part therapy that deals simultaneously with the past, present and future.  I will guide you to facilitate this healing process. This process includes a technique known as bilateral stimulation, which will be used to activate the brain so that it can begin to process and integrate dysfunctional stored information  – those locked traumatic memories – in a more adaptive way. EMDR is a simple process that creates a powerful effect. It consists of an alternating left-right stimulation of the body and brain. This is accomplished with tones delivered...

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Why EMDR – Healing Emotional Pain


Whenever something happens and, at the time, you are unable to process the event, you are left feeling distressed, the symptoms stay with you, and will not go away this is considered a “trauma response.” These trauma events can be little traumas “bullying, abandonment, childhood parental deficiencies, etc or big traumas like assault, rape, seeing a loved one killed in front of you, etc.  What we feel and think will reflect our pains and our joy through thought and behavioral patterns. EMDR works with the whole person, both the body and the mind. The events you have experienced may seem...

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The Emotional Pool of Pain


Our emotionally painful experiences are unique to each person.  This pool of pain contains the hurt we have accumulated over the years, whether minor or major.  Each person reacts to the intensity of the events differently. Even if you had perfect parents, painful experience happen; you or a loved one becomes ill; a teacher at school yells at you; you are left alone while your parents work; your pet is accidentally killed; your beloved grandparents die; you see major tragedies regularly on the television news. Life is difficult. When we experience pain and we are unable to release and deal...

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Why Sex Addiction is NOT about Sex!


Like drugs abuse for someone addicted to drugs, addictive sexual fantasies and thoughts/actions trigger a neurochemical release resulting in feelings of pleasure, a much-needed distraction, something exciting to distract, and a feeling of control. This fantasy-induced neurochemical release includes a combination of dopamine (pleasure), oxytocin (love), serotonin (mood stability), adrenaline (anxiety, fear) and endorphins (mild euphoria). Individuals who struggle with a level of psychological issues such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, attachment disorders, and any type of trauma...

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Sex Addicts Cannot Tolerate Negative Emotions


Sex addicts have a difficult time managing their negative feelings.  Addictions are formed from a strategy to alter uncomfortable emotional states.  These strategies can include numbing out, going to extremes, using a substance or engaging in harmful behaviors in order to change how they feel. A person who is emotionally competent can identify not only how he or she is feeling, but can identify the feeling states of those around them and respond appropriately. Daniel Siegel, The Developing Mind, believes we learn how to handle strong feelings of anger, hurt, and sadness and how to attach to...

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