Women's Sexual (Love/Relationship) Addictions Screening Test


Women's Sexual (Love/Relationship) Addictions Screening Test
         Woshutterstock_3127611men’s Sexual Addiction Screening Test    By Patrick Carnes, Ph.D.& Sharon O’Hara, LMFT
The Women’s Sexual Addiction Screening Test (W-SAST) is designed to assist in the assessment of sexually compulsive behavior. This test is a screening instrument, meant to be used in the context of a therapeutic interview. By itself, the W-SAST does not provide a diagnosis. Answer each question yes or no, then count how many “yes” answers you have. Depending on the particular pattern of symptoms:3 – 4 “yes” responses may indicate an area of concern and should be openly discussed with a friend or family member.5 – 7 positive answers suggests a need for further assessment of the problem behavior, including the consideration of attending a 12-Step support program such as Sex & Love Addicts Anonymous.More than 7 “yes” responses indicates a serious struggle with addictive sexual issues with potentially self- abusive and/or dangerous consequences. Should seriously consider professional treatment.————————————————————————

  1. Were you sexually abused as a child or adolescent?
  2. Do you regularly purchase romance novels or sexually explicit magazines?
  3. Have you stayed in romantic relationships after they become emotionally or physically abusive?
  4. Do you often find yourself preoccupied with sexual thoughts or romantic daydreams?
  5. Do you feel that your sexual behavior is abnormal?
  6. Does your spouse–or intimate partner–ever worry or complain about your sexual behavior?
  7. Do you have trouble stopping your sexual behavior when you know it is inappropriate?
  8. Do you ever feel guilty about your sexual behavior?
  9. Has your sexual behavior ever created problems for you and your family?
  10. Did you ever seek help related to your problematic sexual behavior?
  11. Have you ever worried about people finding out about your sexual activities?
  12. Has anyone been hurt emotionally because of your sexual behavior?
  13. Have you ever participated in sexual activity in exchange for money or gifts?
  14. Do you have times when you have sex compulsively followed by periods of celibacy (no sex at all)?
  15. Have you made efforts to quit a type of sexual activity and failed?
  16. Do you hide some of your sexual behavior from people important to you?
  17. Do you find yourself having multiple romantic relationships at the same time?
  18. Have you ever felt degraded by your sexual behavior?
  19. Has sex or romantic fantasies been a way for you to escape your problems?
  20. When you have sex, do you feel depressed afterwards?
  21. Do you regularly engage in sado-masochistic behavior or fantasies?
  22. Has your sexual activity interfered with your family life?
  23. Have you been sexual with minors?
  24. Do you feel controlled by your sexual desire or fantasies of romance?
  25.  Do you ever think your sexual desire is stronger than you are?

If you feel you are struggling with Love/Sex/& Relationship Addiction call me for a free over the phone consultation.  I am certified in Sexual Addictions Therapy through IITAP/Patrick Carnes.

Suzanne Rucker, Licensed Mental Health Counselor

EMDR & ASAT Certified

email: LifeCounselingSolutions@gmail.com

Suzanne Rucker, LMHC

(407) 967-9313


Suzanne would like to help her clients find happiness in life.  Are you depressed or anxious wondering how you can get through the next day? Do you feel over-worked and under-appreciated?  Do you have a difficult maintaining your weight, managing your finances, coping with your own addiction or the addiction of someone else, or maybe you are having a hard time getting along with your spouse or a difficult teenager?  There is relief….The first step, which is the most difficult, is making the call to seek help and direction for a better life.

Suzanne Specializes In: Relationship Problems, Recovery & Strengthening, Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Management, Sexual Addiction/Love Addiction & Co-Dependency (women & men), Addictions (drugs, alcohol, shopping, etc),Trauma ,Personal/Sports/and Corporate Coaching. Clinical Training: CSAT : Suzanne is trained in sexual addictions from the prestigious IITAP institute and Patrick Carnes, EMDR (eye movement and desensitization and reprocessing):

Suzanne offers this processing technique for relief from traumas, anxiety, depression, addictions, fears, phobias, and test anxiety.  EMDR can also enhance sports and speaking/professional performances, Prepare/Enrich: Suzanne can help you learn how to build stronger relationships through communication and conflict resolution skill building.  This program is ideal for premarital counseling, marriage preparation, marriage counseling, and marriage enrichment, Suzanne earned her MS in Counseling Psychology from Palm Beach Atlantic University.

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