Posts Tagged "Couples Counseling Orlando"

Foundations to Couple's Communication


So much of the time, communication for couples is the main culprit for arguments and inability to resolve conflicts.  Here are a few questions to ask yourself if you are facing marital issues: 1.  Do you argue over who caused what, or do you take responsibility for your own behavior? 2. Do you make an attempt to change your behavior?  It will only take one partner to change to change the whole system. 3.  Do you focus on your partner and what he/she needs to change?  If so, the system will stay stuck. 4.  Are you willing to make small changes?  These can make a big difference. 5.  Is...

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The Love Avoidant


The Love Avoidant

Characteristics of The Love Avoidant: Love Addicts are attracted to people with certain identifiable and fairly predictable characteristics, and people with these characteristics are attracted to Love Addicts in return.  The primary attribute marking all of the characteristics on the “model” partner for a Love addict is avoidance, which seems incredible to their partners since Love Avoidants come on to their partners so strongly at first. Characteristics: Love Avoidants evade intensity within the relationship by creating intensity in activities (usually addictions) outside the...

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Women's Sexual (Love/Relationship) Addictions Screening Test


Women's Sexual (Love/Relationship) Addictions Screening Test

         Women’s Sexual Addiction Screening Test    By Patrick Carnes, Ph.D.& Sharon O’Hara, LMFT The Women’s Sexual Addiction Screening Test (W-SAST) is designed to assist in the assessment of sexually compulsive behavior. This test is a screening instrument, meant to be used in the context of a therapeutic interview. By itself, the W-SAST does not provide a diagnosis. Answer each question yes or no, then count how many “yes” answers you have. Depending on the particular pattern of symptoms:3 – 4 “yes” responses may indicate an...

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Creating Boundaries When you are in a Relationship with a Sex Addict


Creating Boundaries When you are in a Relationship with a Sex Addict: What are boundaries?  They are a dividing line between you and anyone else.  These lines represent physical, emotional, and spiritual limits that other people in your life may not violate.  It may help to envision a psychological fence that separates you from others in your life.  You may have different boundaries for loved ones, friends, acquaintances, and strangers, depending on the area of focus and the situation.  Boundaries are meant to protect you from physical danger, anger, hurt, fear, or any other painful...

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Can You Really be Addicted to Love?


Can You Really be Addicted to Love?

Can You Really Be Addicted to Love?   Experts claim that desperate reactions to a break-up—like the urge to throw the nearest bunny into a saucepan—could be a clue that you’re suffering from yet another addiction. I had never heard the phrase “Addicted to Love” uttered outside a Robert Palmer video or bad poetry until a few years ago, when a particularly poisonous breakup drove me temporarily insane. After endless hours of listening to me cry and obsess over what went wrong during my seven-month relationship, a few friends gently suggested that I seek professional help. While...

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