Posts Tagged "Longwood Trauma Therapist"

EMDR: Trauma & the Brain


WHAT IS TRAUMA? There are large “T” traumas such as rape, war, assault, sexual, physical & emotional abuse, accidents (or witnessing one), natural disasters, divorce, chronic/acute illness, etc and there are small “t” traumas such as betrayal, mild forms of bullying or negative feedback, lack of proper emotional support as a child, etc. Events happen to you that you are unable to process and you are left feeling overwhelmed, with symptoms that just won’t go away, that’s also considered a trauma response. Memories are stored in the brain and symptoms can also be experienced...

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EMDR Therapy – Who can Benefit?


EMDR Therapy – Who can Benefit?

EMDR Therapy – Who can benefit? EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a treatment used to “desensitize and reprocess” memories that have been stored as a result of traumatic experiences. EMDR is a considered to be a breakthrough therapy because of the quick and lasting relief clients feel from their emotional distress. EMDR therapy repeatedly activates opposite sides of the brain, which releases emotional experiences that have become trapped in the nervous system. EMDR is shown to have a high degree of effectiveness in treating: • Anxiety (trouble sleeping, worry,...

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