EMDR-Rocks!! A year ago I witnessed an accident that was the most devastating ordeal I have ever had to endure. My best friend’s mother had mentioned EMDR and that I should check into it. To myself I say “I got this, I’m strong, time will help heal me, etc.” all those things kind of help briefly, but I was not feeling so well on the inside. The accident was in my face constantly and I it was affecting my work. A work colleague also mentioned EMDR and that’s when I thought…wow this must be a sign. He recommended Suzanne Rucker and I called her for an appt. All I have to say is that I was nervous and hesitant about this so called EMDR, but after going ahead with the sessions I was absolutely AMAZED at the result. I feel like I can cope and understand and the accident isn’t in my face daily. EMDR helped me process this like it should be. Honestly, this should be mandatory for anyone that has suffered any kind of trauma. I’m living proof.
Thank you again for all you have done.
Suzanne would like to help her clients find happiness in life. Are you depressed or anxious wondering how you can get through the next day? Do you feel over-worked and under-appreciated? Do you have a difficult maintaining your weight, managing your finances, coping with your own addiction or the addiction of someone else, or maybe you are having a hard time getting along with your spouse or a difficult teenager? There is relief….The first step, which is the most difficult, is making the call to seek help and direction for a better life. Suzanne Specializes In: Relationship Problems, Recovery & Strengthening, Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Management, Sexual Addiction/Love Addiction & Co-Dependency (women & men), Addictions (drugs, alcohol, shopping, etc),Trauma ,Personal/Sports/and Corporate Coaching. Clinical Training: CSAT : Suzanne is trained in sexual addictions from the prestigious IITAP institute and Patrick Carnes, EMDR (eye movement and desensitization and reprocessing): Suzanne offers this processing technique for relief from traumas, anxiety, depression, addictions, fears, phobias, and test anxiety. EMDR can also enhance sports and speaking/professional performances, Prepare/Enrich: Suzanne can help you learn how to build stronger relationships through communication and conflict resolution skill building. This program is ideal for premarital counseling, marriage preparation, marriage counseling, and marriage enrichment, Suzanne earned her MS in Counseling Psychology from Palm Beach Atlantic University.